Task Fields

  • No.
    • Sequence No - the task sequence number in the whole task list, start from 1
    • WBS No - the task WBS number, in the format like "1.2.1"
  • Name
  • Start
  • Finish
  • Duration
    • Count of all the calendar days from start to finish - by default, the title of this field is "Duration".
    • Count of all the workdays from start to finish - by default, the title of this field is "Days".
  • Archived Start, Finish, Workdays and Duration
    Archived task start date.
    • QuickPlan supports to archive the start, finish, and duration of all the tasks simultaneously.
    • QuickPlan does not support to update the archived data of a specific task.
    • QuickPlan supports to display the active task data in the outline list in colorful by comparing to the archived data.
    • Normally we can use the archived fields as a simple baseline solution.
  • % Complete
    See the definition in the MS Project.
  • Target % Complete
    This column is calculated by QuickPlan, to show the target % complete rate by the end of yesterday (the tobe % Complete based on schedule).
  • Resources
    Task resource assignment.
  • Work
    Input manually, or calculated by the task duration and assigned resources ( = "Workdays" * "Daily Working Hours" * "Daily Assigned Resource"). Task work is not the same as task duration. For example, the work of a one-day task may be just one hour.
  • Physical % Complete
    See the definition in the MS Project.
  • Contact
    Specify who is the task owner or contactor for review and status updating if needed.
    (which is not the same as the task resource).
  • Labor Cost
    Input manually, or calculated automatically by the app ( = Sum of cost of each resource(Work * Resource_Cost_Rate) ).
  • Materials Cost
    Input manually.
  • Total Cost
    Automatically calculated = Labor Cost + Materials Cost.
  • Predecessor
    To list all the WBS No of linked predecessors.
  • Successor
    To list all the WBS No of linked successors.
  • URL #1, URL #2
    Two URL fields without predefined purpose.
    • QuickPlan does not limit the input of the URL string - controlled by the user.
    • After the project is sync/shared to other devices, the URL may be invalid. (for example, a URL to a local file on Mac will not be available on the iPad).

    QuickPlan for macOS supports to maintain task URL by draging from other apps

  • Icon
    Icon field can be used to specify the task status. QuickPlan does not define the usage of the icons - it's up to the users how they define the usage of the icon.


QuickPlan supports to customize the title, visibility, width and display format of the task fields.

(it will take a while to load following the animation)

Version 5.0 starts to support change task fields sequence

  • Right-click on a header on the outline list to show the context menu.
  • Pan up/down on the left icon of the field row to change sequence.